Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Police Mag, The Billboard run article

The Police Magazine the Billboard has very kindly included us in issue 13 which can be downloaded as a pdf format from the net. Many thanks to the Editor Brett Tudor for having us in his Mag. I hope that we may just get one or two more donations to bump up our end total from the extra publicity.
You can read the link by checking out the website:

Thanks Brett, we will let you know how we get on,

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Guest Blogspot - Andrew

Hi folks,
Another Blog site you may be interested in is one of our fellow participants form accross the pond, please have a look at his blog, if enough people log on in one day then he will "Juice Google!" Wanna know what that means? have a look at his site and help him out.

Andrew lives in Bethesda MD with Elizabeth and their dogs, Katy and Adie, and cats, Mischa and Sasha
Good luck with the fund raising Andrew, from Bob and Neil, look forward to seeing you in SA

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Quiz Night sends us crashing through the 10K goal.

A massive thank you to all who turned up for our quiz night last night, a real good turnout with us having to seat some people outside on the patio. Lauren, Rachel and the girls put on a fantastic spread for us which was a very kind gesture, not a scrap of food was left.
Mike Farrell again helped us out a lot with setting up, and the bar staff, Rabbit, Tilly and Craig were all kept very busy, cheers boys. Again thank you to Higham Lane Leisure Association who let us use their excellent facilities for free.
A special thanks to two team members, Norman and Andrew Blount who helped us out by selling nearly 3 books of raffle tickets!!
A total of £522.00 sent us crashing through the 10K barrier to a healthy £10,381.06. As you can see I have wound the thermometer up to 15K (who knows?)
20 teams settled down to a noisy night which they seemed to enjoy, if you were there please let us know your thoughts on the comments section.
The results are as follows:
1. One wheel short of a cycle 80.5
2. Just you and me kid 73
2. the Evictees 73
3. Scrambled Eggheads 72.5
4. Quiz Tarrant 68
5. The nosey Parkers 67
6. Bourne again blondes 65.5
7. The singletons 63.5
8. Fudge cake 63
9. The Ruby's 60
10. No! 59.5
11. Drinkers not thinkers 59
11. Oops a daisy 59
12. Norfolk and hope 58.5
13. Norfolk and chance 56.5
14. Holbrooks wanderers 55
15.Weddington Wanderers 54
16. The best generation 53.5
17. Sick notes 53
18. If we win it's a fix 51.5
19. The team 50
20. The Shrug 47
Thank you all again for your support,