Friday, 29 May 2009
We know a man with lots of vans

Well summer looks like its here at last, Rathers and myself had a photoshoot yesterday morning at HQ for the new XT660R bikes that have come online, with it went 3 radio interviews(plus one the night before) hence I have been ignoring the radio all day just in case I am unlucky and hear myself or Rathers, never good hearing your own voice on radio, makes me cringe something rotten. Didn't tell Rathers until it was too late, when I did I saw the blood drain from his cheeks, wasn't that bad though was it mate? Seeing as we were in the area we popped down to Alcester to see a chap I met on a driving refresher course, Darren Brown from Broad lane leisure. Darren had pledged his support to Enduroafrica a couple of months ago and handed us a cheque for £150.00, Many thanks Darren, When the mortgage is paid off in a couple of years I will return the favour and come and see you about a motorhome. Darren has also offered to help us out with kit at trade price if a local camping store is unable to help us. Thanks again Darren.
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Geothermal International Sponsor Enduroafrica

We went to Earlsdon yesterday afternoon to see Mr Brian Davidson again, MD of a fast growing 'green' company that have just received an award from Mr Richard Branson for being the fastest growing enviromentally friendly company in the UK.
This time it was a photo shoot and to receive a cheque for £1500.00 which is a hefty boost to our fund raising, putting us well within sight of our target.
Geothermal will also be providing us with some shirts, badges and stickers for our helmets/bikes. The companies PR machine were there to conduct the photo shoot(hope to get a picture of Mr Davidson presenting the cheque to Rathers and put it on here) and we are told that the story will be published in numerous local papers plus maybe the Times.
We would like to thank Brian and the board of directors for their sponsorship and generosity.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Draughty in here isn't it
Race night all done and dusted, Thanks to Mike Farrell who compared the evening and supplied all the techie stuff plus the wine and spirits, without Mike it wouldn't have happened.
We were disappointed that so few of our colleagues came to support us on the night but those that did come I think had an enjoyable night and had one or two laughs. However the overall support was excellent and we raised just short of £700, half of which was on bets taken, Thank you everyone that came and either bought horses or sponsored the races.
I have to say that the kilt was quite comfortable and ultimately not too draughty, After a few Magners Rathers looked at me with an evil glint in his eye and said, "They are either coming off or I'm gonna take em off for you" descretion being the better part of valor and all that malarky I removed my Mr Rude(mister man) boxers and presented them to the audience at which point my wife Diane was probably thinking about asking Majella to represent her in the divorce proceedings.
Again, we thank you all for making it a successful and enjoyable evening.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Robert where's your troosers

Well two days to go until the Race Night, horse owners can expect a bottle of spirits if their nag wins, a bottle of wine if it comes second and a box of chocolates if it comes 3rd. I believe Rathers is going to pipe in the first race in full piper bib and tucker, supported by someone else in a skirt..............Me. Yes for a laugh I am going to sport a kilt too, those that saw my knobbly knees at the football match will know that it won't be a pretty site, at all. The question is will I or won't I be wearing any under crackers? Well I'm not a Scott so my good lady tells me I will be.
The important thing now for Sunday is not really how much money we will raise, we just want it to be a success and for every one to have a good time.
We have had a good week, having secured a chimnea from Melbicks garden centre for Raffle or auction, possible sponsorship from a local camping and caravan outlet and on Wednesday I had a call on my mobile from a very nice lady representing a trust fund that had been sent our mission statement by Arron Clarke(My youngest daughter Lucy's boyfriend who is a West Mids Bobby) They had read the document and decided that they would support us with a donation of £500.
I would like to thank them and the MD of the major company who is himself a celebrity and household name but they declined any publicity, It's not Mr Sugar but someone in the same league. If you are reading this, we would like to thank you very much for your support, we would also like to thank Arron and his mum Steph who is an employee of Mr X, who forwarded the letter to him.
We hope to see you on Sunday folks, until then Ta Ta for now.
Saturday, 9 May 2009
British Superbike Champion John Reynolds
Arrived this morning at Gaydon for the bike safety day, great event with lots to see and do, Bikesafe rideouts were a real hit as usual with Rospa, IAM and Police riders taking members of the motorcycling public out and giving them constructive feed back on their riding skills.
The prize draw tickets arrived in time so we set up our stall with a 42" screen showing Enduroafrica highlights, the big banner behind us and a couple of flasks of coffee.
The first tickets we sold were to John Reynolds, pictured left who is 3 times British Superbike Champion who put his hand in his pocket and started us off by having a fivers worth. Cheers John, and good luck for your future races.
At the end of the day we had collected £380.00 Thanks to all of you that have bought tickets and Tash who donated £15 of it, have a nice holiday.
Next event is the Race night on Sunday 17th May at the Ambleside club.
Bob & Neil
Friday, 8 May 2009
Cannon Intersport

Malc thank you very much for supporting us, and Ann Keep up the excellent work with the fundraising, Myself and my wife Diane may also be looking into the sponsor a child scene in the future.
Thank you,
Bob and Neil
The Ambleside Club
Since we have lived here, the little club across the road has grown and grown, those of you who have had the pleasure of a party there, been to either one of the annual events such as New Years Eve, Valentines night, a sportsman's evening or have just popped in for a drink will know what a gem the club is for the local community.
I remember some 17 years back standing at the bar with rain being caught in a bucket on the floor behind me, at that time the club opened on a very ad hoc basis and the facilities were basic.
Now it boasts a Sportsman's bar, a very nice main function room, a new very well equipped function room extension, changing rooms a plenty, kitchen(still being equipped) 3 bars. A sun terrace and a face lifted car park with a drop off point for taxi's, Wedding cars etc. Its the ideal venue and is very well used, hence the need for the extra room.
They have a children's football area, Five a side/netball/tennis court, Bowling green and clubhouse. A separate netball court, cricket nets, cricket and football pitch, its a hive of activity and very well run.
The committee all work very hard to make the club what it is today but two men, who I am proud to have as friends stand out.
John Bosworth the Chairman, can't fish for toffee and jinx's my fishing(only joking mate) has been the driving force behind the ever evolving facility, I don't think a lot of people realise just how hard he works so other people can have fun, It's taken its toll in so far as he is only 45 but was offered a pensioner rate the other year when we went fishing to Monks Pool in Bulkington(now I know he is going to batter me)
No really he is a great bloke and I am really pleased to have him as a mate. John has also paid for the prize draw tickets to be printed, not as I previously though that we had been sponsored by the printers, I had to weedle this out of his as he is so modest. Cheers John, next time we go fishing I promise I'll let you win.
The other chap who works very hard indeed is Mikey Farrell, the club secretary (Potter), always willing to help and is the driving force behind the bar, only ever done one thing wrong in my eyes and that was taking the Stella off draught and putting Premier on its place(we all make mistakes said the hedgehog climbing off the yard brush) Mike has very kindly agreed to run our Race night next week and has put me right on the admin side of things(thanks for the templates mate) at his own expense he is also hiring in top notch DVD's so its a professional jobby. Mike has also very generously donated the bottles for the Horse owners(prizes for 1st, 2nd and maybe 3rd winning owners on each race) Another man I am proud to have as a friend.
All in all the club are being very good to us and I wish to thank them publicly, we have had free hire of the rooms and facilities too.
A Massive thank you then is in order to you both, the committee, the bar staff and all the regulars.
Bob and Neil
Tuesday, 5 May 2009
Salmon fishing for two

Check out this great day out, have two of these, first is on ebay and the second I may take to the Chief Constables Ball in Solihull, but I will ask Majella about that one.
The below link will take you to the ebay web page, I cocked the original link up yesterday but we won't go into that............
Match of the Day(Continued)

Well the big day came and went(big day for some of us as we had not played football for some time!) I think I played centre back or something like that and had the task of marking CH Insp Ade Knight(Gripper) Rathers played a bit to my right and more to the front(told you I was a football numpty), the game itself was a very close run thing, by half time it was still 0 - 0.
As you can see I wanted to play in my big boots but i) I cant run in them, ii) I would have killed someone if they got in the way of the swinging mass of leather and metal and iii) I kicked a ball in them and nearly bust it!
The second half we lost our goal keeper as he was off to watch a proper match, I was nominated to stand between the wicketts(is that what they are called?) and let a goal in after about 10 minutes of play, I thought those magic gloves they gave me would do all the work, how am I supposed to know that you still have to move your arms! I also tried to pick up a passback(oops)
Rathers decided he should go in goal and I was substituted and spent the rest of the game on the sidelines, which was a blessing as the Gripper had stood on the top of my right foot which was now growing in size inside my borrowed boots(cheers Mick Robertson, the Geordie Magott)
The game ended 1 - 0 to Nuneaton Justice Centre and was close with us nearly equalising a couple of times(1 goal dis allowed as someone was off side)
Sadly it wasn't a great turn out from Ops, most of our team comprised of "Ringers". A big thanks to Marky Rowlatt and Andrew Marchi for making it happen, sorting the teams, the rules and the nets. A charity shield was donated by Nuneaton Trophies and Awards, plus some very nice medals for both teams, Thanks chaps.
An apres match drink and presentation followed in the bar of the Ambleside club(Thanks for the use of the changing rooms Mike) A raffle for a nice bottle of bubbly and a signed Chelsea football, some donations from players and Rathers getting his pipes out and playing for the Bowls club in the next room generated just under £100 towards our charities.
Next on the agenda is the Race night, Please come to that one if you can.
Rathers will be at the Bikesafe Launch on Saturday but unless I can get anyone else to do it I will be at the Bedworth Civic hall with an off road bike for a community day.
Thanks again all for your support yesterday,
Bob & Neil
Friday, 1 May 2009
Prize Draw (Nearly there folks)

I would like to thank my mate Bozzy for putting me in touch with his pal Barry at Marchean Press Ltd who have kindly sponsored us with our prize draw tickets. We still have some hoops to jump through in realation to the gaming and lotteries act so its all above board i.e. registering the draw with the local authority, but hopefully it will all be squared up for Saturday 9th of May so we can sell some at the bikesafe launch at the Motor Heritage Centre at Gaydon. I will update this link with the prizes over the next few days. www.marchean.co.uk
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