Well the big day came and went(big day for some of us as we had not played football for some time!) I think I played centre back or something like that and had the task of marking CH Insp Ade Knight(Gripper) Rathers played a bit to my right and more to the front(told you I was a football numpty), the game itself was a very close run thing, by half time it was still 0 - 0.
As you can see I wanted to play in my big boots but i) I cant run in them, ii) I would have killed someone if they got in the way of the swinging mass of leather and metal and iii) I kicked a ball in them and nearly bust it!
The second half we lost our goal keeper as he was off to watch a proper match, I was nominated to stand between the wicketts(is that what they are called?) and let a goal in after about 10 minutes of play, I thought those magic gloves they gave me would do all the work, how am I supposed to know that you still have to move your arms! I also tried to pick up a passback(oops)
Rathers decided he should go in goal and I was substituted and spent the rest of the game on the sidelines, which was a blessing as the Gripper had stood on the top of my right foot which was now growing in size inside my borrowed boots(cheers Mick Robertson, the Geordie Magott)
The game ended 1 - 0 to Nuneaton Justice Centre and was close with us nearly equalising a couple of times(1 goal dis allowed as someone was off side)
Sadly it wasn't a great turn out from Ops, most of our team comprised of "Ringers". A big thanks to Marky Rowlatt and Andrew Marchi for making it happen, sorting the teams, the rules and the nets. A charity shield was donated by Nuneaton Trophies and Awards, plus some very nice medals for both teams, Thanks chaps.
An apres match drink and presentation followed in the bar of the Ambleside club(Thanks for the use of the changing rooms Mike) A raffle for a nice bottle of bubbly and a signed Chelsea football, some donations from players and Rathers getting his pipes out and playing for the Bowls club in the next room generated just under £100 towards our charities.
Next on the agenda is the Race night, Please come to that one if you can.
Rathers will be at the Bikesafe Launch on Saturday but unless I can get anyone else to do it I will be at the Bedworth Civic hall with an off road bike for a community day.
Thanks again all for your support yesterday,
Bob & Neil
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